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JavaFTP Class

his a pure Java Ftp client source code that allow you to download and upload files from a remote computer running an FTP server

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import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * A class that acts as a requester to an FTP server. * Intended as a simple illustration of the protocol. * Does not implement any error checking and is not * optimized for performance. */ public class FTPClient { private String host; private Socket control; private BufferedReader cmdin; private PrintWriter cmdout; private boolean verbose; /** * Creates a new FTPClient for the specified host * @param host the host name */ public FTPClient(String host) { = host; } /** * Opens the control socket */ public void open() throws IOException { if (control == null) { control = new Socket(host, 21); cmdin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( control.getInputStream())); cmdout = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( control.getOutputStream())); if (verbose) { System.out.println("S: " + receive()); System.out.flush(); } } } /** * Closes the control socket */ public void close() throws IOException { if (control != null) { cmdout.flush(); cmdout.close(); cmdin.close(); control.close(); control = null; } } /** * Logs in with the specified user ID * and password */ public void login(String user, String pass) throws IOException { if (control == null) throw new IOException ("Control socket never opened"); send("USER " + user); send("PASS " + pass); } /** * Sends a command to the server */ public void send(String cmd) throws IOException { if (verbose) { System.out.println("C: " + cmd); System.out.flush(); } cmdout.println(cmd); cmdout.flush(); String response = receive(); if (response.startsWith("5")) throw new IOException(response); if (verbose) { System.out.println("S: " + response); System.out.flush(); } } /** * Receives a server response */ public String receive() throws IOException { return cmdin.readLine(); } /** * Changes to the specified directory */ public void chdir(String dirName) throws IOException { send("CWD " + dirName); } /** * Receives a file and returns its contents * as a string. * @param fileName the file to be retrieved */ public String getFileData(String fileName) throws IOException { if (verbose) { System.out.println ("C: Entering getFileData for " + fileName); System.out.flush(); } // Change to the appropriate directory fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/'); int p = fileName.lastIndexOf("/"); if (p >= 0) { String dirName = fileName.substring(0, p); if (verbose) { System.out.println ("C: Changing directory to " + dirName); System.out.flush(); } chdir(dirName); fileName = fileName.substring(p+1); if (verbose) { System.out.println ("C: base file name is " + fileName); System.out.flush(); } } // Open a server socket on any available port ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(0); // Get the local host address and the port // number of the server socket we just opened. String addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); addr = addr.replace('.', ','); int port = server.getLocalPort(); int portHi = port / 256; int portLo = port % 256; addr += "," + portHi + "," + portLo; // Send the addresses with a PORT command. send("PORT " + addr); // Now send the RETR command send("RETR " + fileName); // Wait for the FTP server to contact us on our // server port. Socket client = server.accept(); // We are done with the server port server.close(); // Open the client socket and read its data StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(client.getInputStream()); for (;;) { int c =; if (c == -1) break; buffer.append((char) c); } in.close(); // Return the file data return buffer.toString(); } /** * Sets the verbose flag */ public void setVerbose(boolean yesno) { verbose = yesno; } }

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