This AutoHotKey script automatically copies text that you select with your mouse to your clipboard. Then, you go to where you want to paste the text, and just click.
This is ideal for times when you are repetitively copying text from one place to another. No keyboarding necessary!
This stays resident in your system tray. Right click (and choose the "Toggle" menu option) on the icon to turn the program off. You may also just double-click the tray icon.
Menu, Tray, Add, Toggle On/Off, Toggle
Menu, Tray, Default, Toggle On/Off
quickCopyOn = 1
quickCopyOpposite0 = 1
quickCopyOpposite1 = 0
clipboardBeenPasted = 0
; tilde before hotkey lets the normal action happen anyway.
MouseGetPos, clickDownX, clickDownY
~LButton UP::
MouseGetPos, clickUpX, clickUpY
; MsgBox, 0, Message, (%clickDownX%, %clickDownY%)`n(%clickUpX%, %clickUpY%)
if (quickCopyOn) {
; if the mouse hasn't moved, we'll paste
if (clickDownX = clickUpX AND clickDownY = clickUpY AND clipboardBeenPasted = 0) {
Send, ^v
clipboardBeenPasted = 1
; if the mouse has moved, we'll copy
if (abs(clickDownX - clickUpX) > 4 OR abs(clickDownY - clickUpY) > 4) {
Send, ^c
clipboardBeenPasted = 0
message0 = Mouse Quick Copy is OFF
message1 = Mouse Quick Copy is ON
quickCopyOn := quickCopyOpposite%quickCopyOn%
thisMessage := message%quickCopyOn%
MsgBox, 0, dgMouseQuickCopy, %thisMessage%, 3