user: public

Motorcycle Commute Data

Greensboro - Durham, NC

68 mile trip, usually takes 1 hour - 1:15.

Depart Temp Arrive Temp Date Notes
28 29 20061206 GW2,JL,NB,NT,RB,SB,SS. face and fingers only cold things. lips very cold from blast from inlet vent. Fogging is issue at slow speed because of closed visor. RBs kept feet warm no problem.


GW2 Grip Warmers, High setting
JL Jacket, Light
NB Bandana around neck
NT Tube-style toboggan around neck
RB Over-sized rubber snow/rain boots, with insulated insert
SB Snow Bones, insulated leggings/thermals
SS Snowmobile Suit
size: 609 bytes    file modified: 2019.4.2